So I think the whole Supertri Ti Wood saga got to his nerves and he came to me...more like confronted me.
I will attach our conversation here, so you guys can see for yourself. I'd like to do that so you people can see what's the truth and the whole truth. Else, people may accuse me of giving only an account that sides myself. (click on image to enlarge)

My previous report on the fake supertri ti wood: Click to go to link
I might have raised some eyebrows. I might have pissed him off. I don't know. All I was trying to do was to state facts, according to my knowledge. I have contemplated hiding it at first, just keeping it to myself. I did not know if I should publicly voice out that the wood is fake, it's like opening a can of worms. If I voice out, there are consequences...people selling it will get pissed and find all ways to get at you, poke you.
I made an instant decision that I do not want to be a hypocrite. I said I want to share my knowledge with the community and that is a commitment I have made. Hence, I did it. I wrote about the fake wood and provoked a few: especially people selling it.
I mentioned names in the post. Maybe I should not have. Anyway I have deleted his name on that post...time to cut him some slack. It takes a lot for someone to come and send me a message, A LOT! So, go figure.
I just want to clarify that MAX did not cheat me at all! This did not happen. There might be some misunderstanding resuting in some of you thinking that way.
I had never dealt with Max monetarily.
Personally, I do not have a grudge against Max. If I see him on the streets, I would still smile and say "Goodaye Max". I DO NOT HATE HIM.
Having said that, it's not like I am very fond of him either...I mean other than the fact that I find him quite a good looking chap, theres nothing more to it. I don't love him, I don't hate him. NEUTRAL ok?
However, I still do not regret having wrote the article about the fake supertri ti wood. If I know something, I will say it as it is. That's what people like about me and I'm not going to change that.
I'm not going to play dumb when I know something just so I can protect a few asses.
There are already very few people willing to come out on such issues (because of the repercussions). If I be one of them, where are the hundreds, or even thousands of unknowing buyers going to get an unadulterated opinion?
So moral of the story: MAX did not cheat me! Cut him some slack.
My take on Supertri Ti Wood still stands.
Also, when i know something, I'll still say it.
Only thing maybe I shouldn't mention names. Bad Idea.
Love it! Thank you "Diana"! :-)